
Sin más les dejo con la lista:
Publico una lista con todos aquellos ejercicios con peso corporal por patrón de movimiento que conozco, ya que considero que puede resultar de gran ayuda a mucha gente.
Escribo los nombres de los ejercicios en inglés para facilitar la búsqueda en google en caso de desconocer alguno de ellos.
Evidentemente, esta lista se puede ampliar con la colaboración de todos. Por tanto, si sabéis algún ejercicio que no figure en la lista lo decís y lo añado.
Decir que he tenido dificultades a la hora de encuadrar varios ejercicios, bien porque pueden pertenecer a más de una categoría, bien porque sencillamente son de cuerpo completo. Así que no seais muy duros conmigo, lo que cuenta es la intención ...
Tirón vertical: pull ups, chin ups, neutral grip pull ups, close grip pull ups, wide grip pull ups, switch grip pull ups, isometric hold pull ups, cliffhangers pull ups, wide grip chin ups, close grip chin ups, alt grip pull ups, asymmetrical grip pull ups, bulgarian pull ups, sternum pull ups, clapping pull ups, l-sit pull ups, typewriter pull ups, around the world pull ups, one arm pull ups, jumping pull ups, walking pull ups, finger pull ups, towell pull ups, inca pull ups, sliding floor pull ups, door pull ups, chain grip pull ups, butterfly pull ups, swing 360, frenchies, rope grip pull ups, scapular pull ups, monkey bar parallel grip pull ups, monkey bar crossover, monkey bar backwards, one handed rope climb, rope climb, hangs, active hang, muscle ups, muscle up 360, close grip muscle ups, wide grip muscle ups, alternate grip muscle ups,clapping muscle ups, slow muscle ups, forearm muscle ups, archer grip muscle ups, v-sit muscle ups, l-sit muscle ups, reverse grip muscle ups, switch grip muscle ups, X grip muscle ups, one hand assisted muscle ups, jump over the bar muscle ups, back clap muscle up, hefesto, close to impossible ...
Tirón horizontal: australian pull ups, australian chin ups, upside down pull ups, monkey bar inverted rows, front lever, one arm front lever, front lever rows, front lever raises, ice cream makers, back lever,one arm back lever, victorian, pullover, supine push ups, wall rows, chair inverted rows, towel rows ...
Empujón vertical: handstand, hand hops, handstand clap push ups, scorpion handstand, one arm handstand, straddle handstand, L- handstand, fingertip handstand, one legged inverted staff pose, lotus handstand, one arm pull up to handstand, one finger handstand, balancing on two fingers, wall walk, straddle press to handstand, tiger bend, handstand push ups, one arm handstand push ups, deep handstand push ups, typewriter handstand push ups, 90 degree push ups, headstand, tripod headstand, frogstand, pike push ups, parallel bar pike push ups, hindu push ups, one arm dive bombers, dolphin push ups, decline push ups, shoulder circles, reverse planche, iron cross, inverted iron cross, windmill planche push ups, stick ups ...
Empujón horizontal: dips, straight bar dips, russian dips, parallel bar dip hops, clapping dips, impossible, korean dips, parallel bar push ups, push ups, diamond push ups, wide push ups, incline push ups, twister push ups, T push ups, archer push ups, lalanne push ups, crucifix push ups, clapping push ups, muay thai push ups, chest tap push ups, alternating staggered push ups, forearm push ups, superman push ups, triple stop push ups, grasshopper push ups, pseudo push ups, one arm push ups, walking push ups, one foot elevated push ups, elbow lever, maltese, scorpion push ups, 360 push ups, uneven push ups, crossover push ups, wall push ups, maltese push ups, kuki push ups, serratus push ups, typewritter push ups, aztec push ups, slider push ups, thigh slap push ups, triple clap push ups, bear push ups, switch push ups, explosive push ups, stacked feet push ups, plyo push ups, plyometric X push ups, explosive crossed arms push ups, hand touch push ups, one arm one leg push ups, one handed clap push ups, full planche, straddle planche, planche lean, planche on 4 fingers, planche push ups, walking planches, Nakayama planche, straddle planche clap push ups, one handed planche, pike roll out,...
Extensores de codo: bench dips, skullcrushers, plank to triceps extensions, arms crossed press up , inverted full planche...
Flexores de codo: head banger pull ups, head banger chin ups...
Predominante de rodilla: squats, sumo squats, close stance squats, hindu squats, prisoner squats, pistol squats, rolling pistol squats, shotgun squats, hawaiian squats, wall sit, sissy squats, step ups, duck squats, squat pulses, horse stance, eagle squats, grand plié, surfer squats, squat jacks, russian kicks with squat jumps, chinese squats, squat hold,Y squats, side to side shuffle, squat shuffle, hopskotch...
Predominante de cadera: lunges, bulgarian split squats, clock lunges, curtsy lunges, side lunges, lunge pulses, walking lunges, diagonal lunges, switch lunge, crossover lunges, prisoner lungesl TD lunges, reverse lunges, shrimp squats, airborne lunge, single leg deadlift, good morning, hip thrust, hip extensions, single leg glute ham raises, nordic hamstring curl, donkey kicks, russian kicks, inner thigh lifts, outer thigh lifts ...
Gemelos: calf raises, donkey calf raises, toe walks, seated calf raises, squatting calf raises, reverse calf raises, bent knee calf raises, plie squat calf raises...
Core (abdomen): hanging knee raises, hanging leg raises, one arm hanging leg raises, hanging sit ups, ab crunch shredder dips, hanging ab kick outs, skin the cat, dragon flags, dragon flags with scissors, l-sit, v-sit, manna, human flags, human flag push ups, human flag bicycles, barbell rollout, standing barbell rollout, one arm evil wheel , elbow plank, side plank, plank get ups, top of push up plank, plank jacks, plank rocks, side plank toe touches, side plank knee to elbow, Tom Cruise plank, plank walks, plank leg raises, plank lateral jumps, plank thrusters, one leg plank, one arm plank, wall plank, sit ups, v sit ups, single leg crunch, side oblique crunch, butterfly sit ups, scissor kicks, frog kicks, feet up crunch, sky reachers, reverse crunch, extended reverse crunch, hip raisers, leg and hip raisers, straddle rowers, feet stacked crunch, cross crunch, crossed reverse crunch, butterfly crunch, rowers, throwdowns, leg raises, crunches, floor oblique crunches, ...
Core (lumbares): hyperextensions, superman hyperextensions, reverse hyperextensions, bird dog, cat dog, swan dive, waiter's bow...
Puentes: back bridge, short bridges, elevated bridges, bridge walk downs, bridge walk ups, reverse plank ...
Rotación de core: hanging windshield wipers, russian twist, side to side hanging knee raises, bicycles, T plank, plank bicycles, oblique core crunch, side oblique leg raises, lownmower extension, plank hip twisters, plank toe taps, rotating mountain climbers, SCREACH, bodyweight chops, bicycles pausers, flying human flag oblique crunches ...
Pliométricos: box jumps, single leg box jumps, vertical jumps, horizontal jumps, lateral jumps, tuck jumps, knee jumps, jump squats, jumping lunges, power skips, ninja tuck jumps, 180 jumps, ...
Explosividad: sprints, hill sprints, stair climbing...
Cardio: jogging,reverse running jump rope, burpees, single leg burpees, burpee back tuck inverted burpees, burpees over the bar, burpees box jumps, mountain climbers, x body mountain climbers, jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, star jumps, skaters, side to side hops, split shuffle, star shuffle, crab kicks, karaoke, hurdles, front kicks, low squat in and out, low squat foot switch, heismans, ski jumps, quick feet, , ...
Paseo de animales: bear crawls, inchworm, army crawls, crab crawls, spiderman crawls, lizard crawls, alligator crawls, duck walks, cricket crawls, frog jumps, kangaroo hop, monkey walks,shrimp crawls, leopard crawls , dragon crawls, seal walks, gorilla run, panther walks, scorpion crawls, ape walks, baby crawls, table top crawls, plank crawls, slider crawls, power wheel crawls...
Cuello: front neck plank, neck plank between chairs (iron bridge), wrestler's bridge, reverse bridge neck plank...
Muñecas: finger rolls, single grip reversals, plank wrist rolls, plank opposite wrist rolls, finger push ups, knuckle push ups, fingertip push ups, thumb full body suspension...
De nuevo agradecer la colaboración de Maldini y su gran trabajo haciendo esta recopilación.
Yerai Street Workout
Autor: Maldini (www.forocalistenia.com)